Student Ministries

Welcome! Get your student connected!

Meeting Sunday Mornings 10:00 am
In the Blue Room after Worship for a Lesson, Discussion, and Fellowship.


Psalm 92:13

7th - 8th Grade

Junior High School 
Currently merged with Rooted Youth

Rooted Youth

Colossians 2:6-7

9th - 12th Grade

High School
Typically meets in the blue room for Teen church.

Welcome to the Student Ministry

Currently Thrive78 and Rooted Youth Group are meeting together during each service on Sunday mornings. On Sunday, we have worship in the main theater and then head off to the Blue room for Bible Study. We also have various events we plan with a special emphasis placed on our annual Summer Deep South Youth Conference in Stone Mountain Georgia.

It’s our vision to set a fire in the youth at The Movement Church to begin to live their lives for Jesus Christ now, instead of waiting until later in life. We study the Word of God, verse-by-verse together, with solid Bible-teaching. We learn to pray together as iron sharpens iron. We know the challenges they face and  we hope to hit these challenges with the word of God. Look forward to meeting you and having fun!

Blake Beckham