The Movement Church 

Pastor Rob is a third generation Calvary Chapel pastor from the central valley of California who planted this church formally known as Calvary Chapel Northwest on January 8, 2020.

What Are we About?

The Lord has called us to plant His church here in Clarksville, Tennessee, to return to the basics of the early church—falling back in love with Jesus Christ. Each of us is individually called to go out, share the gospel, and disciple people of all nations.

In today's world, many have adopted a consumer mindset—focusing on how we can be blessed or served. But as followers of Christ, we are called to reflect His image by following the example He set in the four gospels. Jesus showed us that true greatness comes through humility and service. He made Himself of no reputation, took on the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even death on the cross
(Philippians 2:5-8).

Our mission is simple: we are here to serve and teach the Word of God. We do this by reading, explaining, and helping you understand how the Scriptures apply to your life. We aim to teach the whole counsel of God—from Genesis to Revelation—to equip you for the work of the ministry and to bring you to spiritual maturity. One day, every believer will stand before the bema seat of Christ and give an account of what they’ve done for His kingdom. In that moment, you won’t be able to speak for your church. The Lord will ask you individually, “What have you done for My kingdom?”

Expanding His vision through you...

Everything in this incredible relationship with Jesus begins with you.
It is your hand that is placed to the plow when it comes to your relationship with Christ, your spiritual growth, and the calling He has for you.

We are here to teach others how to live and follow Jesus. Each day, when you wake up, you must choose to put Jesus front and center of your life. As you live out this mission, it is through your life that the Lord will use you as His vessel, shining as a light to those around you. His fruit and His reflection will be seen radiating through you.

Living this way is a supernatural life that, under the power of the Holy Spirit, allows you to fulfill your personal great commission. This is where you go out, share His presence, and bring hope to those seeking it—leading them to Jesus Christ.

Where we are headed...

This is the Lord’s church, and we are being led by God to do the work of His ministry, reflecting Jesus to the lost.
Our focus is on the mission of our vision, trusting the results to the Lord. He will build His church and bring the increase. As His servants, we are here to do what He calls us to do.

The lost world desperately needs to see Jesus in our actions, words, and lives. They need to experience His love, hear His truth, and witness His life through us.

We are returning to the basics—being the church to our family, our community, and our city. The harvest is plentiful, and now is the time to go out, be a light, and trust the Lord. The truth is, time is short, and we are heading toward eternity with Him.

Chuck Smith On Calvary Chapel

Calvary Chapel is a movement that His been built upon the solid teaching of the word of God."
~ Chuck Smith“Calvary Chapel is not an ambition fulfilled. It is not the result of an egotistical desire to pastor a gigantic church. I became too tired to imagine pastoring a congregation of more than 250 people. The results you now see happened through the power of the Holy Spirit; ‘not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord’ (Zechariah 4:6).”    
"Calvary Chapel is the exposition of the word of God.
Encouraging the people to read the word of God and expounding to them the word of God.
It is really built on the word of God and its just God honoring His word as He said He would.
He said He would honor His word even above His name.
Calvary Chapel is a movement that His been built upon the solid teaching of the word of God."

~ Chuck Smith

The History of Calvary Chapel

This is an outstanding documentary on the history and philosophy of Calvary Chapel. It demonstrates how through one man's (Chuck Smith) faith and obedience, God began a revival in a period known as the Jesus Movement. This video chronicles the trials that Chuck Smith faced by stepping out into a ministry and trusting that
"Where God Guides, God Provides."

~Pastor Raul Ries

Used By Permission from Pastor Mike Macintosh and Pastor Raul Ries.

The Jesus Movement

“We didn’t call it a revolution,” says Pastor Greg Laurie, of the sudden surge in young people adopting the Christian faith in the ’70s, first in California, then across the U.S. and around the world. “TIME magazine coined that phrase. We called it ‘The Jesus Movement.’ But I think actually TIME editors had it right, because they saw something bigger.”
Laurie says he and his friends weren’t aware of how far the movement had spread. Three things cemented it in many people’s minds as a bona fide phenomenon: mega-evangelist Billy Graham gave it a shout-out, there was a gathering in Dallas that drew 80,000 young people, and TIME put it on the cover. “I think the writer of the article had an understanding that some of us didn’t even have at that moment,” says Laurie. “When we saw that cover, it sort of officially told us, Wow this is a lot bigger than we thought.”


"Jesus Revolution" is now streaming on many platforms! Watch it today!