Women's Ministry

Jesus said, "I am the Vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me, and I in them, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." 

John 15:5

Bloom is about nurturing beauty within our hearts and minds by recognizing our identity in Christ as women. Our goal is to be transformed into the image of our Lord, to deepen our understanding and wisdom of Him, and to grasp how His Word is relevant to our lives. We pursue this in order to let His fruit flourish within us and to radiate outward through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is the vine, and as His daughters, we will discover how to remain in perfect union with our Lord as His beloved. Without Him, we can achieve nothing; in Him we will bloom in His image.

“For without Me, you can do nothing.”  Jesus
(John 15:5)

In His love,
Leslie Wilson

Bloom Bible Study Beginning Soon

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

1st and 3rd Saturday Mornings from 10:00am- 12:00am

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